Happy New Year! 🎉 As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new, we extend our heartfelt wishes for a year filled with joy, success, and memorable moments. Thank you for being part of our journey. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead! Cheers!

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  • So excited about today's IPL ICON treatment for my sun spots. It was so easy! Just a tiny "blip" with no pain and just a bit of redness. I can already see the spots fade. Now I'm ready to bare my arms and shoulders in those new summer sundresses! Thanks Sandra!

    Ginger C.
  • Thinking about you this morning. I have to tell you how much I LOVE these skin care products I purchased. Absolutely love Neostrata, you know that but Sesha is amazing. There are soooo many products on the market (believe me, I've tried them all!) It's so nice to find products that truly make a visible difference. And kudos to you for being such a leader in skin care.

    Janice and Dave W.
  • I have been a client of Advanced Skin Care for 10 years, I have had facials, peels, and lazer treatments. I trust Sandra's knowledge and expertise with my skin. People always comment I look much younger than my 45 years! Thank You Sandra!!

    Peggy T.

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